IDEA EUROPA APSVIA PIETRO ROMANO 3300169 ROMA LazioOrganisation type: Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise
For reaching this aim, it is fundamental developing education of youth workers with special focus on these themes and creating a good and efficient network of youth workers and youth organizations and NGOs across the different countries. The project will contribute to these scopes at local level (reinforcing the skills of youth workers), but also at EU level (giving them the possibility to act inside a framework of cooperation between EU non profit organizations).
1. To reinforce and increase quality of youth work in Europe about its role of promoting and proving integration of migrants and foreigners, through the creation of an educational path for youth workers that will give them new instruments, skills and practices, increasing their capacities;
2. To create a strong network for encounters of organizations, professionals, volunteers that work in non profit fields for social inclusion and integration of migrants: the network will be supported by the creation of a website directed to facilitate encounters of Europen organizations, exchange of tools and best practices between NGOs and individuals.
1. Preparation.
2. Starting Coordination Meeting in Spain.
2a. Work package I.
3. Training event “Youth Work For Integration” (Learning, Teaching, Training Activity C1), in the Republic of North Macedonia.
3a. Work package II.
4. Ending Meeting in Italy.
5. Final Dissemination of results and creation of the website.
The 2 transnational meetings will foresee the participation of project managers and assistants of all organizations involved.
Starting Coordination Meeting: 10 participants (2 for each partner) – Ending Meeting: 10 participants (2 for each partner).
The Learning Teching Training activity foresees the participation of volunteers, social operators, staff members, educators active in the field of youth work and integration and social inclusion of migrants, all selected and sent by each participating organization.
Learning Teching Training Activity C1: 22 participants (4 for each partner – 6 for Idea Europa)
The partnership will carry out the project basing on the principles of sharing and cooperation, ensuring protagonism of all perticipating organization in all phases of the project. All partners will have active roles in all Work Package and international activities, and also in the building of the intellectual outputs, collaborating between them under coordination and supervision of IDEA EUROPA, the Applicant.
A) Participants will gain tools, instruments and best practices in the field of youth work specifically related to the social inclusion and the integration of migrants and foreigners
B) Reinforcement of the network of EU non profit organization committed in promoting integration of migrants in Europe and peaceful coexistence.
C) The creation of the Website for youth work and integration, an instruments that will consent to build networks, projects and spread tools and best practices between European non profit organizations and individuals.
The main impacts, also in terms of long term benefits, will be the ones of:
– improving and promoting the role of youth work in EU integration policies;
– facilitating networking and creation of projects and efficient action of NGOs and non profit organization in the field of social inclusion of migrants at all levels (local and regional, national, European and international);
– promoting new efficient solutions in the filed of immigration policies for contributing to combat nationalisms and divisions between European states, starting from new generations and action of non profit organization.

Youth Work for Integration – Ending Meeting
On 29 March 2022, the delegations selected by the various partners met in Rome to participate in the closing meeting of the Youth Work for Integration – Youth4Int project, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the IDEA EUROPA Social Promotion Association.
The participants, coming from Spain, North Macedonia, Germany, Romania, discussed the activities carried out during the project and the results achieved.
The data and good practices that emerged both during the previous mobility activity carried out in Skopje, and the analyzes and collection of good practices carried out by each partner at local level were exposed.
In this way, it was possible to compare common elements and differences, to be able to carry out a subsequent discussion focused on future perspectives of collaboration and planning, focusing specifically on issues concerning the action of youth organizations for the promotion of social inclusion of migrants. and foreigners.
Finally, we discussed the best ways to strengthen and enlarge the network of the organizations involved.