The meeting on the “Soul Record” project held in Barcelona on 02.17.2023 concerning the theme of “Cyberbullying” was an exciting, interesting and enriching experience.
The working group was made up of young people from various European countries and therefore the occasion was useful to observe, understand and mix the different points of view on a topic of such wide relevance today and in the future.
The methodological path led by the moderator Luca facilitated both creative brainstorming and more specific workshop sessions in which it was possible to analyze the topic in depth by defining the problem and finding possible solutions or initiatives that can help both those who are to suffer Cyberbullying and both those who generate it, thus making a 360° focus on the subject.
From my personal point of view it was very nice to participate in this project for a twofold reason first of all because as a father of two children I was able to study an issue so relevant in the adolescent phase and which involves the various social stakeholders (children, family , school and institutions) which I hope will help me to approach the problem at least more consciously if necessary. Ultimately, what I just experienced was an activity very similar to the ones I carried out as a sociologist as a freelance moderator in market and social research.
Thanks for opportunity and see you again, Nicolò